Control Codes

Control codes for TransText and other strings.

Some strings accept C standard library printf format specifiers.

General Control Codes


Newline. Multiple of this escape sequence in a row must be separated by spaces to be aligned. For example ~ ~ should be used instead of ~~ if you wan’t two newlines with the same alignment. Without the space the second line will be shifted to the left.


em space. Invisible non-whitespace character with a width of approximately 1 space character scaled to the current font size. Useful for when you want to print a space but cannot have char c such that std::isspace(c) == true.


Zero-width space. Invisible non-whitespace character with a width of zero. The game tries to print the literal | character as a separator in a few places but it does not show up as expected.


1px indent. Invisible non-whitespace character with a width of approximately 1 pixel. Regardless of where in the line £ occurs, the space will be applied to the beginning of the line.


^ followed by 3 digits, \^\d{3}, will set the color. ^RGB will result in Color(R / 9 * 255, G / 9 * 255, B / 9 * 255). The one exception to this rule is ^000 which resets the color to the default, white. Since ^000 is a special case, you must use ^001 to achieve the closest thing to the color black. Advanced note: Characters outside of the 0-9 range are allowed; however, the ASCII value of the characters are used so ^XYZ, \^.{3}, will result in unexpected interpretations of the color value. This is because for char c the digit value is determined by c - '0' leading to negative or large numbers for individual place values when std::isdigit(c) == false.


§ followed by 3 digits, \§\d{3}, will set the text size. §HXY can be interpreted as a one digit header, H, value followed by a two digit size value, XY. When the header is zero, the size value may range from 0, text is so small it is not visible, to 99, the largest size. When the header value is non-zero, the text is first scaled inversely to the header value, 1 is the largest and 9 is the smallest, then it is scaled again inversely by the size value, 0 is the largest size for that header value and 99 is the smallest size for that header value. Advanced note: the same behavior for non-digit characters applies as with ^.


Right justify. Following the first occurrence of µ in the string, align the text to the right side of the panel and use weird “indent on new-line” behavior. If a line following the first occurrence of µ in the string has characters before the first occurrence of µ in the line, those characters will be indented. If a line following the first occurrence of µ in the string has characters after the first occurrence of µ in the line, those characters will not be indented regardless of if indented characters exist previously on the line. This can lead to weird overlapping text on the same line with the right combination of ~ and µ characters. The last line will always be indented if there exists a line containing µ before it regardless of µ being present in the last line.

TransText Specific Control Codes

The following control codes only have an effect when used in TransText strings.


The full sequence of STR_\S+, where the part following STR_ is a registered LanguageHandleSTR, is replaced with the registered substitute. This is mainly used to insert the characters corresponding to button icon glyphs into TransText strings without having to use the actual characters which most text editors will not be able to display and are not easy to remember.

Credits Specific Control Codes

The following control codes only have an effect during the credits sequence.


When $ is the only character in a string, the string is empty. This is used during the credits to add padding between sections.


The two observed variants of this control code are BITMAP_GAMESPY and BITMAP_BINK. This control code is used to display the logo of the respective entities during the credits.


When the full string is END OF CREDITS, the credits end.

Configuration Specific Control Codes

The following control codes only have an effect during the controls layout menu.


When the full string is END OF ACTION, the sequential parsing of TransText key names ends. This is used to separate different input categories; however, the game does not handle separate input categories.


When the full string is END OF CONTEXT and the TransText string with the ID one less than the current one is END OF ACTION, the context ends. This signals the end of the last input category.

Multibyte Characters

Some strings are interpreted as 8-bit Extended ASCII (EASCII) while others are interpreted as UTF-8. If the control codes listed above are not working, it is possible that the string is expecting the character as UTF-8 and not EASCII. For example, § is \xA7 in EASCII and \xC2\xA7 in UTF-8. You may find this table to be a useful reference for ASCII and UTF-8 comparisons.

Non-Printing Characters

Characters that are not present in the current font, e.g. \x00-\x1F, will not be printed. Just because a character does not print does not mean it is a control code; it might just not have an associated glyph in the current font.

Escape Sequence

There is no way to escape control codes. This is incredibly inconvenient since ~, |, and ^ are standard printable ASCII characters with no way to be displayed.